HEC Paris Launches MOOC into the Inner Workings of the EU: MBA News | TopMBA.com

HEC Paris Launches MOOC into the Inner Workings of the EU: MBA News

By QS Contributor

Updated June 15, 2014 Updated June 15, 2014

As the European Union and surrounding nations continue to go through a period of transition and flux, HEC Paris has launched a new MOOC aimed at helping people to better understand the EU decision-making process and its effects on business.

The MOOC, available on the ‘Coursera’ platform, kicked off on February 18, under the direction of HEC professor and expert in European law, Alberto Alemanno.

Those participating will be offered practical insights into the mechanisms of EU decision-making and regulation to understand how businesses can operate effectively in the region, according to a press release from HEC Paris.

In addition, HEC Paris students and those from New York University’s (NYU) School of Law will share the results of their work on projects aimed at shaping EU policies with MOOC participants. These projects stem from a new collaborative EU legal clinic devoted to European policy and regulatory affairs, initiated by Alberto Alemanno last month.

Greater public involvement in EU decision-making sought by Alberto Alemanno

“Today European affairs are a priority for HEC Paris, who is delighted to announce the launch of this EU Policy and Regulatory Affairs Clinic,” Alberto Alemanno said in a press release.

The underlying idea behind the clinic is to promote civic engagement. HEC Paris and NYU law students are taking part in EU consultations on proposed legislation and policy initiatives, before drafting real submissions on behalf of partnered NGOs, who might otherwise lack the resources to engage in EU decision-making.

“We are currently witnessing an ever-widening gap between the people and the political elite. At the next European elections, more so than ever will it be time for greater citizen involvement in public decision, on a national as well as European level,” Alemanno said.

At HEC Paris, Alberto Alemanno takes courses on risk regulation as well as European and competition law. Aside from directing the program between HEC Paris and NYU, his teaching duties also extend to Georgetown Law School, Washington D.C. and the University of St. Gallen, where he is a guest lecturer on its European and international business law program.

See the top-rated MBA programs in Europe >

This article was originally published in February 2014 . It was last updated in June 2014

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