MBA in Strategy | TopMBA

What is an MBA in Strategy

An MBA in strategy teaches students how to kick-start new commercial ventures and modernize the management of existing business structures.

What You Need to Study an MBA in Strategy

Each strategy-tailored MBA program will have different requirements. Generally, most b-schools will require the following:

  • Three to five years of professional experience (although this can vary)
  • An undergraduate degree
  • A good GMAT/GRE score
  • Employers’ recommendation

MBA in Strategy – Course Content

Common courses found in a strategy MBA include:

  • Business Analytics
  • Managerial Skills
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Strategy Formulation
  • Strategy Implementation

As the ratings that make up the QS Global 200 Business Schools Report are based on MBA recruiters’ opinions of MBA graduates’ abilities in strategy, MBA programs that include elements of strategy, as well as those that specialize in it are included in the ratings.

Lydia Price is associate dean and MBA director at CEIBS, which has featured prominently in the strategy rating for two years running. She explains that an MBA specialization in strategy will equip a graduate with the required skills to prosper in a career in business management:

“Key lessons would include: industry and environmental analysis, internal analysis and competitive advantage, organizational structure, design and alignment, market evolution and dynamics; in addition to many specialized topics for specific industries, world regions or stages of market development. Strategy draws upon all of the business and market fundamentals, so it is important that a specialized strategy curriculum also includes a solid grounding in topics such as economics, accounting, finance, marketing, organizations, and operations.”

She says that in today’s “competitive market place, strategy is a critical management resource. A strategy specialization trains students to see the enterprise as a whole, and to understand how and why a manager can make a difference to the performance of the entire firm. Strategy helps to align the company’s activities to ensure long-term success. It also takes a holistic view of the organization and its industry in making decisions. MBAs with a solid grounding in strategy will be valued for their ability to drive the business forward and to take the firm into new directions.”

Business schools in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific feature prominently in the ratings. There are 21 business schools from North America, 17 from Europe and 11 from the Asia-Pacific region.

Due to the innovative nature of strategy in business school teaching, business gurus have a big influence on the perceived excellence of institutions. Harvard Business School continues to hold the top spot in the rating. Its strategy unit, faculty and research department puts it in a favorable light among employers who are looking to recruit MBAs with a strong focus in strategy.

The Wharton School, Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, and The Kellogg School of Management are the three US business schools that join Harvard in scoring 100 in the employers’ index vote. All four schools have a strong presence in the teaching of strategy, with many of their professors authoring books on strategy, or writing thought provoking analysis for world renowned academic journals.

European business schools are considered by employers to perform very well in arming their MBA graduates with an in-depth knowledge of business strategy.

Once again in the Asia-Pacific region, India appears to be leading the way in the strategy specialization. Of the 11 business schools in the Asia-Pacific region.

Top Careers to Pursue with an MBA in Strategy

Some popular careers for strategy management MBAs include:

  • Strategy Consultant
  • Director of Strategy
  • Strategy Manager
  • Senior Strategy Manager
  • Innovation Consultant
  • Innovation Director
  • Managing Business Consultant


Here are some of the top-tier strategy positions with the highest average salaries you could land after your MBA, according to PayScale:

  • Director of Strategy: US$129,214
  • Senior Strategy Manager: US$120,330
  • Strategy Manager: US$101,463
  • Strategy Consultant: US$92,364