Top 10 Things your EMBA Classmates Could Teach You |

Top 10 Things your EMBA Classmates Could Teach You

By QS Contributor

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QS TopExecutive takes a look at what you could learn from your EMBA classmates, when you join business school.

While competition is the mantra of the marketplace, cooperation underpins successful endeavours in virtually every sphere. So whether your contact with fellow EMBA candidates is face-to-face or ‘virtual’, every one of those classmates could be an untapped source of potential advice, insight, experience or inspiration.

1. Leadership

Your classmates are ambitious high-achievers, but only some will have a profound and lasting influence on those with whom they work and interact. What are the leadership qualities they are exhibiting that already distinguish them? Watch and learn from those around you.

2. Advice

Your EMBA classmates are colleagues, not competitors and could become friends, business partners, advisors, even mentors. Throughout your time on the EMBA program, ask fellow classmates for advice as you’ll both gain in the process.

3. Vision

Look beyond the Executive MBA program to a future where bonds forged in the classroom will be strengthened. One of the things you will have in common with your fellow EMBA peers is ambition. Share your visions with those around you and as those dreams become realities, you’ll have plenty of colleagues willing to celebrate your success.

4. Global outlook

In today’s business world, an understanding of the global complexities which could impact and influence your organization will be a major asset towards achieving your goal. Business schools look for diversity as part of their EMBA cohort, so make the most of your time spent with EMBA classmates who can provide you with a different outlook.

5. Life skills

The diversity in the EMBA classroom can also prove valuable when it comes to sharing work and life skills. Take a moment to consider the variety of backgrounds, cultures and industries different from your own that you are sitting alongside. However, remember to share your own work and life skills as well. Your fellow EMBA students will also be able to learn a lot from you!

6. Stress management

As experienced executives, most EMBA candidates will have experienced their fair-share of tight deadlines, stressful situations and demanding workloads. While this may begin to prepare you for the pressure-cooker environment that is the EMBA classroom, only once you begin your program will you realize just what is involved in terms of juggling work, family and study. Call on your classmates for support. What strategies do they use to ensure effective time management?

7. Social strategies

Recreation should be a key element of your EMBA survival strategy – unless you want to suffer premature and costly burnout. Raise the topic with one or two classmates. How do they ensure their physical and mental health is not being compromised by their commitment to the program?  Finding out how they incorporate weekly gym workouts, coffee with friends or quality family time could be a strategy you can adapt.

8. Communication

Post-EMBA, you’re likely to be interacting and communicating with a higher calibre of executives. Many alumni speak of the confidence the EMBA gives them in being able to hold their own in new situations. This confidence can also come from communicating with your classmates. They too are successful, high-level executives, so interacting with them will teach you how best to interact with others in the ‘real world’.

9. Networking

Successful networking is an essential skill for all executives. Find out how your EMBA classmates network. Who do they network with? What avenues do they use to network? And what do they provide their network of contacts that makes others want to network with them.

10. Subject: you

Perhaps one of the most valuable things your EMBA classmates could teach you is about yourself. Through your EMBA experience, balancing work, life and study, engaging in team work, meeting deadlines, managing stress and achieving outcomes, you’ll grow as an individual – both personally and professionally. The impact of your EMBA colleagues will have a lasting effect and help to shape you into the successful executive you will become.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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