EMBA at the University of Zurich: Alumni Interview | TopMBA.com

EMBA at the University of Zurich: Alumni Interview

By QS Contributor

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TopMBA.com talks to Daniel Gerber about his decision to do an EMBA at the University of Zurich

He has a background in science and a successful career in the banking sector, but when Daniel Gerber needed to add to his skill set, he turned to an Executive MBA. “I had reached a point in my career where more in-depth understanding about business administration and management were needed to take the next step,” he says.

The CEO and an executive director of Julius Baer International Limited in London, Gerber was offered this new position to lead the business in London, in a turnaround situation during the final months of his EMBA program. “I cannot clearly say whether this move would have been possible without my Executive MBA, however, the broad range of theoretical and practical knowledge in general management and business administration, combined with the strong intercultural management focus of the program, prepared me excellently for this role.”

The intercultural focus of the University of Zurich’s Executive MBA was one of the best parts of the program according to Gerber. “The truly international scope, with teaching modules at highly reputable universities in China (Fudan University) and the US (Yale University), added more weight to the intercultural character of the program,” Gerber says.

An Executive MBA certainly suited Gerber’s career ambitions, and came at a time when he was looking to progress up the leadership ladder. However, he is cautious when it comes to recommending the degree to others. “Pursuing an Executive MBA, be it full-time or part-time, is a huge investment from a financial and time point of view,” he says. “Therefore, you must see a true value in going through this additional commitment. Just doing it for the sake of a title in my view is not worthwhile. Speaking for myself, it was certainly an excellent brick in the foundation of my career.”

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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