MBA Careers Q&A: Emory’s Goizueta Business School |

MBA Careers Q&A: Emory’s Goizueta Business School

By Mike Grill

Updated Updated

Growing your professional network is a central reason why many seek to undertake an MBA and the careers center at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School understands that. Joan Coonrod, a senior director of the Career Management Center and an MBA alumna of the school underlines the importance this aspect holds in explaining that the members of her team “spend time focusing on the importance of networking and how to use your network to take the next step in your career.” Learn about the other ways in which Goizueta Business School helps its MBA students prepare for the MBA job search below!

Does the Goizueta career services team work with the MBA admissions team during applicant assessment? 

Yes, the MBA Career Management Office works closely with admissions in reviewing applications and discussing applicants.

When do on-campus corporate recruitment events and interviews typically take place at Goizueta? 

Events take place from August to October for full-time positions. Interviews take place September to November for full-time positions and between January and March for internship opportunities. Pretty much saying the same thing, but with minor tweaks – most on-campus presentations and events take place during the fall (autumn) semester. Full-time on-campus interviews are typically in the months of September, October and November while internship interviews are typically in the months of January and February.

Are there particular skills that career services helps students to accentuate during job fairs and recruiting? 

We help students by educating them about career fairs and the recruiting cycle. We also spend time focusing on the importance of networking and how to use your network to take the next step in your career. In addition, it is our job to set an expectation about the level of understanding students should have about a company before attending recruiting events.

Are there any new companies recruiting on campus? Have you seen a change in industries? 

Every year we have some new companies coming to campus to interview. More students are looking at jobs in the tech industry.

Are there any changes to the way in which companies are recruiting? 

We have seen more companies outside of the Atlanta market conducting virtual presentations, office hours and interviews.

What kind of contact does the Goizueta career center have with MBAs after they graduate? 

We stay in contact with alumni in many ways. They often come back on campus for recruiting (purposes). We also bring alumni back for various events and panels with our (current) students.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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