EMBA Elevator Pitch: The Essentials | TopMBA.com

EMBA Elevator Pitch: The Essentials

By QS Contributor

Updated Updated

 The elevator pitch is an opportunity to impress business associates, colleagues, and in the case of the EMBA, the program’s admissions directors.

If you’re yet to develop your own one minute spiel, incorporating the following five elements into it, will help steer you in the right direction and enable you to leave a valuable impression on those you want to impress.

Keep it real

Talking about yourself may not come naturally, but it’s certainly easier to be yourself than trying to be someone you’re not. Admissions directors are looking for unique individuals who can bring something different to the program and that is where you can use your elevator pitch to stand out from the crowd. In order to define exactly who you are, you need to be honest – about your skills, your experience, your passion and, in the EMBA context, the reasons why you want to apply to this program. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Make your elevator pitch authentic, make it about you and, most of all, keep it real.

Keep it simple

“So what do you do?” is a common question we all get asked, whether it’s at a networking event, a dinner party or while travelling abroad. But how many of us have a succinct answer? More often than not we’ll gloss over our response, deciding it’s easier not to go into detail about the specifics of our job, let alone the different facets of our organization. But here is where an elevator pitch can be useful. Summing up your role in one minute or less will encourage you to do so clearly and concisely. Keep it simple and make it easy to understand.

Give it a purpose

You’re signing up to an Executive MBA for a reason. It could be for a career change, a promotion, self-fulfilment or simply because it’s on your bucket list. Your elevator pitch needs to reflect whatever your reason – or reasons - may be. Build on these to help define your elevator pitch. The admissions directors will want to know why you want to do an EMBA. What is your goal? What do you want as an output at the end of the program? To deliver a successful elevator pitch you need to have a clear purpose for it. So think about the message you want to get across and focus on that.

Make it memorable

As an EMBA candidate you’ll have years of career experience behind you which won’t all fit into a one-minute spiel. But it doesn’t have to either. The truly successful elevator pitch is a memorable one, and it may not even mention your profession. However, it should mention you. Think outside the square – what is there about you that will make others remember you? It could be an element of your family heritage, a unique sporting accomplishment, a successful business venture or a novel experience that was a result of an interest or hobby you have.

Give it spark

Don’t be just another boring grey suit; let your personality shine through. You don’t have to be prim and proper to make a good impression. In fact, you’re likely to make more of an impact by reading the situation accurately and adapting your elevator pitch – and your delivery – to that environment. While an EMBA admissions interview is conducted in a professional manner, that’s not to say there isn’t room for your sense of humour. It all comes back to being you. Let your elevator pitch reflect your personality and deliver it with charisma.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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